Portfolio and Default Risk of Islamic Microfinance Institutions
By: Dr. Luqyan Tamanni, MEc
Editor: Ustaz Sofyan Kaoy Umar, MA, CPIF
Islamic microfinance is a growing sector that
is expected to provide a long-term solution to poverty in the Muslim world. The
role of microfinance institutions in poverty alleviation is still debatable,
however, established literature provides assurance that microfinance does
contribute to the development of the financial sector and reduction of poverty in
developing countries. The rise of competition in the microfinance sector has
forced many microfinance institutions to resort to commercial funding and
lending activities, which according to some studies has led microfinance
institutions to become riskier. The paper explores portfolio and default risk
of Islamic Microfinance Institutions (IMFIs) and finds that they are facing
relatively lower risks than conventional MFIs. Using Ordinary Least Squares
regression to analyse portfolio risk of IMFIs, the research finds an unexpected
result. Since IMFIs are facing a challenging the working environment and are
operating in some of the poorest countries in the world with frequent natural
disasters or armed conflicts, we predicted that they will be riskier. We also
find that IMFIs are also less vulnerable despite their clients are from the
poorest segment in the society, often with lower educational level, and the
nature of Islamic financial products are relatively unknown to most clients.
Many of the IMFIs and their clients live in countries considered to be high the risk or have histories of instability, either politically or economically.
Keywords: Islamic microfinance, Portfolio
risk, Poverty
1. Introduction
not as risky as you think”, Financial Times, 25 May 2007
Risky and Expensive”, Wall Street Journal, 23 June 2010
Microfinance institutions (MFIs) are thriving
in many developing countries and increasingly becoming an important instrument
in serving development agenda, particularly poverty alleviation and financial
inclusion. The success of many MFIs rests on the effectiveness of loan delivery,
high interest-rate, and even higher repayment rate from the borrowers. The repayment rate of most MFIs are remarkably high, often above 90%, depending on
how they manage repayment cycles and collections (Godquin, 2004).
Microfinance has created opportunities for
the poor and microenterprises. It is claimed that microfinance has helped
millions of poor people moving out of poverty, with a moderate estimate
suggesting that over 200 million clients have been reached by MFIs worldwide
(Maes and Reed, 2012). This figure represents about 17% out of 1.2 billion poor
people who live with less than $1.25 a day, based on the World Bank estimates
(Olinto et al., 2013). Although there are debates on the impact of
microfinance on poverty reduction, the opportunity created by microfinance to
the poor has enabled them to venture into microbusiness or use the loan to meet
immediate needs.
In relations to risk and vulnerability, Swain
and Floro (2014) claim that involvement in microfinance such as through
self-help group membership has reduced the poor’s households vulnerability
caused by market liberalization and poverty. At the minimum, loans from MFIs
have helped poor families to meet their immediate needs, or often referred to
as income smoothing loans. At the other end of the value chain, microfinance as
an investment portfolio or asset class is also considered of high value, as
studies have noted that microfinance could provide investors with attractive
returns (Galema et al. 2011), reduced portfolio volatility (Krauss and Walter,
2009), and investment opportunity with stable returns and lower total risk than
other assets class (Janda and Svárovská, 2010).
Islamic microfinance is unique in relation to
the nature of risks it faces, as well as from the type of borrowers that it
serves (Tamanni and Liu, 2017). On the one hand, it faces a multitude of risks
originating from peculiar Islamic financial mechanism and contractual
framework, arguably different from risks faced by conventional MFIs, and
secondly, it also has to deal with the nature of borrowers or customers it
aspire to serve, who are mostly live in vulnerable regions or countries. In
addition, Islamic microfinance must also deal with risks associated with
microfinance lending i.e. non-collateral, which are much higher compared to
risks facing commercial financial institutions such as banks, which are heavily
protected and regulated.
As such, the study of risk in Islamic
microfinance deals with issues related to the magnitude of internal hazards
facing IMFIs, as well as challenging external risks that many IMFIs face while
operating in a hostile environment and conflict-laden countries. This paper aims
to shed some lights on the study of risks facing Islamic microfinance by
looking specifically at the risk profile of IMFIs, both at the quality or the riskiness of their lending and clients portfolio as well as at the riskiness of
IMFIs as an investment portfolio. It seeks to address the research questions as
follows, a) are IMFIs riskier than conventional MFIs, and if so, how risky?
b) what are the determinants of portfolio and default risk of IMFIs? and
finally, c) what are the effects of portfolio risk on the profitability and
outreach of IMFIs?
The following section will discuss sources of
risk and the issues of portfolio quality in microfinance literature followed
by an overview of Islamic microfinance institutions and their risk profile. The
sections that follow will deal with data, analysis and results before a
2. Risk
in Microfinance: A Survey of Literature
Risk has become a critical issue in
microfinance, as the sector is growing and evolving into a full-fledged
financial industry. The recent crisis in India is one important case to
consider, where the local government of Andhra Pradesh closed down 50 branches of
two large MFIs due to accusation that these MFIs have employed ‘forced loan
recovery practices’, which had caused several clients to commit suicide out of
shame (Shylendra, 2006). In retrospect, the crisis could have been averted
should the authorities and MFIs consider broader risk factor in the district,
among others seasonal droughts, ‘frenzy lending’ of commercial microcredit to
clients who are used to subsidized loans, and multiple borrowings practice by
mostly farmers who used the loans for consumption purposes (Taylor, 2011;
Mader, 2013).
While microfinance is known for its very high
repayment rate, MFIs can still face inevitable and pressing challenges. The
unique lending model without any collateral to the poor, as well as the the vulnerability of their clients’ businesses due to their small scale and
unpredictable market conditions can create real problems for MFIs. In fact,
high repayment rate that is built on the classic model where early repayment is
encouraged by the group lending mechanism may inhibit growth of
microenterprises and potential impact on poverty alleviation, as borrowers are
prevented from investing in risky or longer term businesses (Field et al.,
This section will identify and explain major
risks that could adversely affect all type of MFIs, to be followed by an
overview of existing empirical studies that look at the impact of risks on
IMFIs. The ‘myth’ that microfinance lending structure is robust, especially
with group lending that guarantees the loans are always repaid, will also be
examined. With the increasing number of IMFIs that use individual lending
approach, they may no longer be able to rely on inherent resilience of group
solidarity, and hence the robust structure will gradually weaken. This
development poses IMFIs with range of issues that could damage their
performance and reputation. Therefore, in addition to sources of risk with the
borrowers and organization or governance of IMFIs, high repayment rate practice
will also be reviewed here to understand any potential vulnerability to the
microfinance system.
2.1 Sources of Risk and Vulnerability in
2.1.1. Borrowers
Borrowers are the first and possibly the main
source of risk in microfinance, particularly related to uncertainty and
vulnerability of their micro-businesses in the current economic climate,
followed by risk factors within the MFIs such as lack of governance, and other
risk factors related to the market environment (Lascelles et al., 2014). There are
two reasons for this claim. First, most of the borrowers of microcredit do not
have any financial security to protect them from any loss of exposure to risks.
Minor problem with their shop or farm would have devastating consequences to
income flows to the poor’s family. As demonstrated in the case of Andhra
Pradesh, inability to repay debts to microfinance institutions had caused few
poor clients to commit suicide (Shylendra, 2006). This tragic outcome could
stem from a lack of education on the clients part, but ultimately MFIs should
recognize and identify ways to minimize and mitigate risks exposed to their
The second argument is the inherent risk in
the nature of businesses many micro borrowers have. The money they borrowed
from MFIs is often used for trading activities in the market, petty shop at
home, or some craftsmanship activities. These are types of businesses that are
vulnerable to both seasonal and business factors i.e. the small scale makes
them prone to losses or low sales volume. Should the borrowers fall into slight
difficulty, they immediately find themselves unable to repay the loan and meet
the weekly or monthly installments due to MFIs.
For the borrowers, lack of financial security
and unpredictability of microbusiness are the two main sources of their
vulnerability. For borrowers in the rural farming sector, they are also facing
other risks related to weather, pests, climate change, and other natural
hazards (Isakson, 2015). In general, micro borrowers must also deal with risks
related to the operations of their microbusiness, effective use of loan,
commodity price volatility or adverse market conditions, increasing
competitions, and other external factors.
Most of the risks related to internal
deficiencies have been addressed in most microfinance programs, especially
through group lending strategy that imposes peers pressure and control system
among the borrowers. In fact, Crabb and Keller (2006) suggest that group
lending methodology reduces risk in microfinance portfolio, while individual
lending tends to increase the risk for MFIs. Hence, for MFIs that are adopting the individual lending system, there are still more risks that need to be addressed,
especially credit risk.
and Competition of the Microfinance Sector
Commercialization is alleged to be
responsible for the rising of risk profile among MFIs. It has invited different
kind of risk to microfinance, including the international market risk resulted
from the exposure of MFIs to international and commercial funding sources. Some
studies suggest that commercialization is responsible to the increase in
vulnerability of MFIs. This claim is evident from a slight shift in the
literature on the effect of external shocks to microfinance institutions. Most
studies in 1990s suggest that MFIs are relatively immune and unaffected by few
major financial crises, most notably the Asian financial crisis in 1997/98. For
instance, Krauss and Walter (2009) using dataset from 1998 to 2006 find that
there is no significant relationship between MFIs and global market movements
or external shocks. They suggest that MFIs seems to be ‘detached’ from any
shocks affecting global capital markets.
However, there are also competing claim on
the impact of commercialization. In a more updated study and using more recent
dataset Wagner and Winkler (2013) find the contrary to previous studies. They
find that during the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, there has been a
negative impact on real credit growth of MFIs across the world, especially
those MFIs that enjoyed rapid growth few years before the crisis. This study
confirms the presence of boom-bust theory in microfinance.
The prevalent of commercialization also
encourage the emergence of many studies on its impact. This is evident in the
increasing interest of many researchers on commercialization and competition in
the microfinance sector. Commercialization and the subsequent trade-off between sustainability
and poverty outreach are among the most widely discussed aspects of the recent
microfinance studies. The issue of commercialization has attracted many
researchers and observers to explore the topic (Hamada, 2010).
These studies have gradually contributed to
the emergence of a new sub-topic of its own within microfinance studies i.e.
microfinance as an asset class or mission drift. The main reason for such growth
of this particular subject is the inconclusive outcome from most studies. There
is no definite winner in this debate whether commercialization is ever
presence, or whether the MFIs have indeed been drifting away from its main
cause, and most importantly whether the commercialization is bad or good for
the poor.
The debate is triggered among others by
potential implications these studies could have on policy and structural design
of microfinance programs. If the trade-off is indeed established and valid,
microfinance stakeholders must choose for one that is most suitable for their
circumstances. If the main objective is reaching out to as many poor people as
possible, then they must sacrifice or bear with a potential lack of profitability
or sustainability, and vice versa.
Likewise, the interest of international
investors to microfinance, which is considered as an ‘asset class’, is also on
the rise. From the commercial investors’ point of view, microfinance is seen as
an attractive choice for portfolio diversification measured in terms of
risk-return profile (Galema et al., 2011). Specifically, MFIs operating as
rural banks are more attractive than other forms such as NGOs for international
investors. Undoubtedly, rapid growth in the microfinance industry has
intensified competition among MFIs and in the process their exposure to newer
and more severe risks. This development sanctions the need for MFIs to consider
more sophisticated risk management approach and strategy.
Factors: Socio-Economic and Political Forces
Microfinance sector may also face external
risks such as natural disasters, armed conflicts, war, famine, and
macroeconomic difficulties. External risks are still the main concern for
nearly all microfinance institutions in developing countries. Natural disasters
and similar risks may lead to business failure or crop failure, whereby many
developing countries have suffered from floods, cyclones, or other calamities
that destroyed many of the income generating assets of the poor. Localized
epidemics and illnesses could also affect the ability to earn a livelihood or
to repay the loans. Calamities in the family might result in loan funds being
diverted into non-income generating activities.
In a specific case, the microfinance sector may
also derive risks from its geographical location, as many MFIs operate in the
poorest regions in the world, which mostly are also affected by continuous arms
conflict, recurring natural disasters or situated in landlocked countries. For
instance, Gunter (2009) and Casselman et al., (2014) illustrate the issues
faced by microfinance institutions in post-conflict Iraq, where microfinance is
used as both economic re-development tool and peace building apparatus.
2.2 Type of Risks Faced by Islamic
Microfinance Institutions
All types of microfinance institutions face
similar forms of risks, to a certain degree. As a financial institution, MFI
deals with similar risks faced by other financial institutions such as
commercial bank. In general, MFIs must deal with such risks as credit or
portfolio risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk, default risk, operational
risk, and other types of risk (Ledgerwood and White, 2006). However, although
MFIs might face similar risks to financial institutions, they do have unique
features that cause MFIs facing different set or magnitude of risks. What
differentiates MFIs from commercial banks is the magnitude of each risk exposed
to each one of them.
MFIs are more likely to face less severe
risks compared to commercial and large scale banks or investment companies,
given the scale of lending MFIs are making. For instance, commercial banks may
face massive credit risk from their exposure to volatile the housing sector as
the financial crisis of 2008 illustrates. However, a smaller degree of magnitude
may not necessarily mean less catastrophic for the microfinance sector. As will
be discussed in later section, exposure to risk in irresponsible lending has
led MFIs in Andhra Pradesh, or other places, to face unprecedented loss and
reputational damage (Mader, 2013).
Hence, the number of risks that may affect
microfinance can be classified into at least three categories, for instance
Steinwand (2000) proposed three main categories of risk, namely a) financial
risks, b) operational risks, and c) strategic risks. In a different
arrangement, Ledgerwood and White (2006) suggest that MFIs are prone to such
risks as a) ownership or governance risk, b) credit risk, c) liquidity risk, d)
operational risk, e) interest rate risk and f) reputation risk. The
classification as suggested by Steinwand (2000) is summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Categories
of Risk Facing MFIs
Financial Risks
Operational Risks
Strategic Risks
a. Credit Risk - Transaction
risk - Portfolio risk
a. Transaction Risk - Human
resources Risk - Information and technology risk
a. Governance Risk -
Ineffective oversight - Poor governance structure
b. Liquidity Risk
b. Fraud (Integrity) Risk -
Legal and Compliance Risk
- b. Reputation Risk
c. Market Risk - Interest rate
risk - Foreign exchange Risk - Investment portfolio risk
c. External Business Risks -
Event risk
The main risk category that all MFIs are
facing is financial risk, and in particular credit or portfolio risk. MFIs face
various and endless uncertainties related to credit risk of their borrowers on
a daily basis. Although microfinance is known for its high repayment rate,
mainly due to peer monitoring in the group lending structure (Stiglitz, 1990),
default or payments delinquency due to lack of good governance or poor
financial performance may cause MFIs to face serious problems (Ayayi, 2012).
Secondly, operational risk, which includes
risk due to information technology malfunction and fraud, has little precedent
in microfinance. However, this category is an important risk factor that
requires careful mitigation and management. One of the contributors to the microfinance
crisis in Andhra Pradesh district of India was irresponsible lending in
pursuing ‘reckless growth’ and loans recovery by field officers of the MFIs in
the district (Mader, 2013).
Finally, the main issue in the strategic risk
is governance. Governance risk is related to a possible influence of
shareholders, donors and even regulators on the performance of the MFIs, either
financial performance of social performance. This type of risk is particularly
devastating for MFIs operating as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that are
dependent on external parties for funding such as development agencies and
donor organization. Empirical studies on governance and ownership also share
the same conclusion, that a well-defined governance structure (Mersland and Øystein
Strøm, 2009) and to a lesser degree, ownership (Mersland and Strøm, 2008) are
important performance determinants for MFIs.
In addition to these risks, IMFIs and other
Islamic financial institutions face a unique set of risks unlike their
conventional counterparts. In addition to dealing with risks associated with
overall banking or financing operations, they may also face risks relevant only
to Islamic financial institutions. IMFIs may face different risks that emanate
from its distinct features compared to conventional financial institutions such
as use of profit and loss sharing contracts in their funding and financing
(Salem, 2013), or the complexity of Islamic financing modes and risk aversion
and religiosity of its clients (Abedifar et al., 2013).
These features may expose IMFIs to different
kind of financial risks. Such distinctive possible risks for Islamic financial
institutions are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2: Specific characteristics and
possible risks facing IMFIs
financial institutions
financial institutions
risks for IMFIs
comply with Islamic principles
1. Sharia
compliance risk
of riba (usury, interest)
Based on
interest rate
Rate of
return risk 3.
facilities must be backed by physical assets
facilities are money based on interest rates
benchmark risk
Variety of
contracts, ie. profit loss sharing (PLS)
Commodity price risk
in requesting collaterals and penalties
restrictions imposed
Increase operational risk for delivering/holding assets or inventory
accounts (deposits) are based on profit loss sharing (mudarabah)
deposits are determined by interest rates
6. Equity
investment risk
on secondary markets and interbank activities
markets witness continuous innovations
Increase operational risk and asymmetric information
Increase credit risk
Displaced commercial risk
Increase liquidity risk
Source: Salem (2013)
More comprehensively, the range of risks
confronting Islamic financial institutions are similar with the risks faced by
other financial institutions which stem from the two types of risks, namely
financial risk and operational risk. The former consists of credit risk, market
risk, liquidity risk and equity investment risk, while the later consists of
internal operational risks and external or business risks.
As mentioned in the earlier sections, IMFIs
are facing multitude of risks originated from its unique condition. IMFIs may
be affected by risks that come from institutional uniqueness of Islamic
financial institutions as discussed in the earlier section and also due to its
nature as microfinance institutions, Islamic or otherwise. In addition, Islamic
microfinance must also confront risks from its geographical location, as many
IMFIs are based in the poorest and most vulnerable regions in the world.
Countries where IMFIs are located often affected by continuous arms conflicts,
recurring natural disasters, and infrastructure bottleneck specific to poor
countries. For instance, Gunter (2009) and Casselman et al. (2014) illustrate
the issues faced by microfinance institutions in post-conflict Iraq, where
microfinance faces tremendous challenges and at the same time opportunity as an
economic re-development tool and peace building apparatu
2.3 Impact of Risk on Microfinance
Microfinance sector is vulnerable to all
similar forms of risks affecting financial services industry, especially credit
and market risk. Higher indebtedness of the borrowers have caught the attention
of researchers and policy makers recently, as the microfinance crisis of Andhra
Pradesh district in India shows (Taylor, 2011). Several cases of suicide in the
district were allegedly related to microfinance borrowing, and these incidents
had led the local government to freeze all microfinance activities for several
months in 2006, until the case was resolved in 2007.
The main problem with Andhra Pradesh was
competition and client selection. In pursuit of portfolio growth, MFIs offer
loans often to borrowers who already have loans from other MFIs. In turn, this
aggressive lending, and subsequently when the borrowers were unable to pay, few
of these MFIs resorted to aggressive loan recovery. Shame was used by the
collectors, and in many traditional society ‘shame’ is a lethal weapon, which
led some borrowers to commit suicide (Mader, 2013). In the end, proper client
selection and portfolio management is key to minimize credit defaults, since
the majority of MFIs have very few defaults or delay in their payments as
illustrated by high repayment rate of well-known MFIs such as the Grameen Bank.
Therefore, the MFIs have the main responsibility in managing their portfolio
and clients.
Portfolio quality is indeed an important
aspect for MFIs. In a study involving 350 MFIs from 70 countries, D’Espallier
et al. (2011) find that type of borrowers may have a different outcome for MFIs
and they suggest that lower portfolio at risk and lower write-off rates are
associated with higher proportions of women borrowers. Although this finding is
not supported in the case of Andhra Pradesh, where clients are women, attention
to portfolio quality is key to risk management for MFIs. On the other hand,
Zeballos et al. (2013) find that the borrowers at risk of defaulting are not
necessarily those investing in risky projects or risk takers. In a study
involving 200 borrowers in Bolivia, the authors find that the defaulters are in
fact ‘take too little investment risk’.
In term of funding source, especially related
to exposure to external or international funds, MFIs could also be exposed to
events taking place in the international financial markets. Wagner and Winkler
(2013) find that the global financial crisis in 2008 to 2009 has had a
significant impact on global MFIs, especially in terms of real credit growth
extended to their poor clients.
However, Krauss and Walter (2009) suggest
that MFIs are somewhat ‘detached’ from international capital markets, unlike
other asset classes in mostly emerging markets criteria. This is due to
ownership structure of most MFIs that are privately held with long-term
strategic interest and not driven by market forces. MFIs are also less
dependent on capital markets for funding, as they are being supported by
international development agencies. This ownership and funding structure has
created stability with MFIs, at least until quite recently. However, they warn
that as the MFIs becoming more commercialised, the stability advantage provided
by such ownership and funding structure may deteriorate and their exposure to
market risk will increase.
2.4 Risk Management
As borrowers are the main risk factor,
clients’ selection and portfolio management are key to risk management for
IMFIs. IMFIs could mitigate adverse selection in their lending process by among
others imposing strict clients selection or risk scoring, as ex ante measures
in making loans to the poor. Hernandez and Torero (2014) find that
non-parametric risk scoring test is a better evaluation method that may prevent
including potential ‘bad’ borrowers from microcredit markets, and at the same
time may help include ‘good’ borrowers into the markets.
In addition, some forms of social risk
management and micro-insurance have been proposed, ex post, to equip micro
borrowers and lenders with some tools to deal with exposure to risks.
Multilateral organization such as the World Bank is a keen promoter of social
risk management in a broader public finance context, as evident from key
publication such as Holzmann and Steen (2001). In practice, social risk
protection takes the form of micro-insurance and in the form of limited
liability lending or group lending method employed by majority of MFIs, which
in effect are a combination of ex ante and ex post measures of risk management.
In terms of risk management and mitigation,
there has also been a surge in studies in the field of microfinance. Some papers
suggest a comprehensive approach to risk mitigation. This is due to the fact
that MFIs face multitude of risks, not only credit risk but also risks
associated with liquidity management, market conditions, transactions, fraud,
governance, and reputation (Khan and Ashta, 2013). Therefore, they suggest that
MFIs should manage all risks by assessing repayment abilities of their clients
by using tools such as social collateral, management information systems, and
at the same time invest in products and markets diversification, and engagement
with all stakeholders.
Financial risk management for microfinance
institutions are structured around four main areas of concerns, namely
portfolio quality, capital adequacy, liquidity management and asset-liability
management (Ledgerwood, 2013). More specifically, Fernando (2007) proposes that
risk management is a continuous process as shown by Figure 1.
Risk management is often also driven or
initiated by the borrowers. For instance, Lahkar and Pingali (2014) find that
microfinance borrowers may diversify their exposure to risk in a group
liability lending model by engaging in multiple borrowing. The study argues
that instead of creating debt trap for themselves, these borrowers become
members in different groups to split up the risk into small parts. The core
principle of risk management in Islamic finance is risk sharing (Lewis et al.,
2014). This is evident from the initial structure of Islamic finance that rest
on the profit and loss sharing principles.
3. Hypothesis
This study aims to address the main inquiry
whether IMFIs are facing different set of risks compared to mainstream
microfinance, and to what extend do portfolio and default risk affect
performance and sustainability of IMFIs. In particular, the section proposes to
answer the following questions; a) are IMFIs more risky than conventional MFIs,
and if so, how risky? b) what are the determinants of portfolio and default
risk of IMFIs? and finally, c) what are the effects of portfolio risk on the
profitability and outreach of IMFIs?
Studies of risk in conventional microfinance
have evolved from examination of loan use or misuse by poor clients and its
impact on MFIs to the vulnerability of MFIs as investment vehicle or asset
class. However, studies of risk in Islamic microfinance are still limited, and
existing literature provides only general observation on the impact of risks
associated with the nature of Islamic financial transactions, i.e. profit-loss
sharing mechanism. Although the existing studies do provide important
perspectives on the riskiness of Islamic microfinance due to its reliance on
risky financing mechanism, i.e. profit and loss sharing, a detailed analysis on
how financial or market risks affect IMFIs is still currently missing. This gap
prevents proper understanding on the types, and most importantly magnitude, of
risks exposed to and created by IMFIs and how they mitigate these risks.
Therefore, the first hypothesis will be
developed to answer questions on the nature and magnitude of risk faced by
IMFIs, as well as whether these risks are similar or different with
conventional MFIs. Once the type of risks is understood, the next hypothesis
would be on the factors that determine risks at IMFIs. The final hypothesis
will infer the effects of portfolio and defaults risks on IMFIs, especially in
the context of sustainability and poverty alleviation objectives.
3.1 Are IMFIs More Risky?
Islamic microfinance and Islamic finance in
general is considered to be more risky than its conventional equivalent. The
use of profit and loss sharing mechanism is the main reason for this claim,
where Islamic financial institution and its borrower are entering into profit
or loss-sharing contract made for a financial transaction.
The contract can be designed where both bank
and clients are sharing financial capital (musharakah or partnership scheme) or
one being the capital owner while the other party is managing the venture
(mudharabah) (Smolo and Ismail, 2011). The key risk feature of these financial
contracts rest on the floating of risk and return, and the system does not
guarantee any return for the IMFIs or to the depositors or investors, unlike
conventional financing.
The other risky aspect of Islamic financing
is related to the shifting of credit risks from financial institutions to
depositors or investors (Hesse et al., 2008). Hesse et al. argue that
profit-loss sharing mechanism also increases the overall risk on the asset side
of the balance sheet, because it makes Islamic banks, or for that matter also
IMFIs, more vulnerable to risks associated with equity instead of debt.
In addition, socio-economic and political
conditions in the countries or regions where most IMFIs operate are fragile and
uncertain. In recent years, countries like Sudan, Syria, Iraq, or Afghanistan
where many IMFIs are located have been afflicted with prolong armed conflicts
or war. The case study of microfinance in Iraq during and post Iraq war by
Gunter (2009) provides an insight into the severity of situations the MFIs are
facing. Likewise, countries such as Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Indonesia have
suffered from severe natural disasters such as floods or tsunami, which set
back many of the progress made by numerous IMFIs in these countries.
However, despite this dire situation, Islamic
microfinance sector survives and continues to develop in many developing
countries in the Muslim world. One explanation for this encouraging
development, despite challenges, is that Islamic microfinance being used as a
tool to combat conflicts and rebuild communities rather than being treated as
an object of disaster or victim of armed conflict (Hudon and Seibel, 2007).
This research covers a period from 1998 to
2014, during which time few major crises have taken place in the countries and
regions under study, either armed conflicts or natural disasters. As such,
IMFIs in this study have experienced some difficult periods and therefore
affected by socio-political risks discussed above, and at the same time they
survived the calamities and enjoyed periods of recovery and growth.
Hence, to the first question we argue that
IMFIs are relatively more risky compared to conventional MFIs, mainly due to
the distinct operational characteristics and product specifications, as well as
socio economic characteristics of locations where IMFIs operate.
H10 : There is no difference between risk of
Islamic and Conventional MFIs.
H1A : IMFIs have higher risk than
conventional MFIs.
3.2 What are Key Determinants of Portfolio
and Default Risks Facing IMIFs?
Number of borrowers is the main contributor
to performance of any MFIs, as borrowers or clients determine how much revenue
or returns will MFIs made for any given period. In relation to this,
credibility of borrowers is also important, to ensure consistent repayment
schedules and enable MFIs to use the instalments for new borrowers. This is the
backbone of microfinance i.e. rotation of small capital or funds that MFIs have
to reach out to large number of poor people.
IMFIs engage with customers who are mostly
poorer than the average customers of conventional MFIs, hence they would
contribute to higher probability of higher risk to IMFIs as explained in the
first hypothesis. Therefore, number of active borrowers or scale of outreach
will be an important determinant of risk factors for IMFIs.
Likewise, D’Espallier et al. (2011) claim
that higher women participation in (conventional) MFIs is associated to lower
portfolio at risk, write offs ratio, and also provision to loan loss. Hence,
the assumption is also in line with such study and predicts that percentage of
female borrowers will be significant to portfolio at risk and write off ratio
In addition, availability of funds is
critical to the ability of IMFIs to continue making micro loans to the poor.
Majority of IMFIs rely on donor or charitable institutions for their sources of
funding, thus provide them with less, or often no obligation to return the
funds unlike savings or investments from commercial investors. Regardless, cost
of funds in the form of borrowings and deposits will contribute significantly
to risk profile of IMFIs.
Finally, IMFIs operating in difficult regions
must employ field officers who are not only capable to mitigate hostile working
environment, but also equipped with sufficient understanding of Islamic
financial transactions. Unfortunately, this type of workforce is not easy, nor
cheap, to find. In the end, IMFIs must operate at a much higher overall cost
than their conventional counterparts or other competition.
However, no indicator that captures this
factor in the current dataset. The regional control variable is the only
indicator that reflects the impact of socio political risks on microfinance.
Although crises, armed conflicts, or natural disasters do not discriminate
countries based on their regional locations, unfortunately recent political
crises and fatal disasters tend to concentrate in certain regions. Thus,
regional control variable may provide some hint on the determinant of risks,
especially socio-political, on IMFIs. Therefore, the second hypothesis is as
H20 : Portfolio and credit risk are not
influenced by any factors.
H2A : Portfolio and credit risk are
influenced by outreach and operational cost.
3.3 What are the Effects of Profitability and
Outreach on Portfolio Risk?
Higher percentage of portfolio at risk or
write off ratio could reduce the ability of IMFIs to extend their outreach, as
the funds that are available must be set aside for mitigation, as well an
increase in portfolio recovery cost. As previous hypothesis suggests that
outreach is an important determinant in measuring portfolio and default risk
profile of IMFIs. In addition, profitability will also deteriorate, as IMFIs
must deal with risk and increased cost. Therefore, higher portfolio at risk
will adversely affect both profitability and outreach of IMFIs.
One of the effects of higher risk profile is
increase in the price or interest rate charged (Gutiérrez-Nieto et al., 2016),
as MFIs recover their lost from the borrowers. Gutiérrez-Nieto et.al further
suggest that high interest rates is unavoidable due to high risk nature of
microfinance lending, as well as high cost of funds, high personnel and
administrative costs. In addition, risk management and mitigation is even more
important for MFIs in dealing with portfolio risk, since ex post loan recovery
is costly and there is no guarantee of its success.
While this negative causal effect is
foreseeable, the main question is whether poverty alleviation or profitability
objectives have any effect on risk profile of IMFIs i.e. whether outreach and
return on assets have any effect of portfolio at risk and write off ratio. As
IMFIs set out their primary objectives, either outreach or profit – or both,
they may inadvertently increase portfolio at risk or even credit risk
potentials in their loan portfolio.
It is expected that profit oriented IMFIs
will be reluctant to lend to high risky projects and avoid risktaking borrowers,
as suggested by Shahriar et al. (2016). They also claim that for profit
oriented MFIs target borrowers who already have established and high turnover
businesses, rather than start-ups that may have high potentials of failure.
Likewise, it is safe to say that non-profit oriented IMFIs will be more likely
to finance high risky business ventures and support poor borrowers who use
their loans for start-up business activities.
These characteristics entail that non-profit
oriented IMFIs, thus putting more emphasis on outreach rather than ROA, will
likely to have higher portfolio risk and perhaps also credit risk. On the hand,
profitability will have negative relationship with portfolio at risk, as profit
orientation leads to less risky projects and lower portfolio at risk and write
off ratio. Hence, the third hypothesis is as follows:
H30: No relationship between outreach,
profitability with portfolio, credit risk.
H3A: Outreach and profitability will have
opposite relationship with respect of portfolio and credit risk.
4. Data and Estimation Methods
4.1 Dataset
Data for this study is derived from the MIX
Market database that is accessible from its website (www.mixmarket.org). MIX
database has been used by similar researches and studies, including Cull et al.,
(2009) and Mersland and Strøm (2010), as it is currently the most comprehensive
and reliable database provider on global microfinance institutions. The panel
dataset covers the period from 1998 to 2014 and include microfinance
institutions in four regions that have IMFIs, namely East Asia and Pacific,
South Asia, Middle East and North Africa and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Table 3 summarizes the distribution of IMFIs
vis-à-vis conventional microfinance institutions across regions. IMFIs
constitute only 3.4% of the overall samples of MFIs, and they are located in
four major economic regions in the developing world. Although the sample of
IMFIs is relatively small compared to the total MFIs, it reflects the actual
situation where total IMFIs in the world is still relatively small compared to
the universe of microfinance institutions. One estimates from recent CGAP study
also suggests that the share of IMFIs is still around 2-3% compared to the
total (El-Zoghbi and Tarazi, 2013)
Table 3: Distribution of MFIs across
MFY Type
East Asia
East and North Africa
Europe and Central Asia
East and North Africa
South Asia
MIX database classifies MFIs into several
categories, based on regional location, legal status, profit orientation, and
age. There is also quality of the reports submitted by MFIs into the system,
where MIX categorise these MFIs according to the number of diamond each MFI
deserves, where 1 diamond for being less reliable and 5 diamonds being the most
reliable or verified by audited reports.
However, MIX Market does not classify MFIs
into type of business, i.e. Islamic or conventional. This category was
introduced into the current dataset, where all of the MFIs are classified into
MFI Type Islamic and MFI Type Conventional. This research employs manual method
to classify MFIs, where all MFIs that offer Islamic micro financial services
and products are labelled as IMFIs, regardless whether their MFIs are fully
Islamic (full-fledged IMFI) or partially, where Islamic micro loans are offered
in parallel with conventional products and services (often referred to as
‘Islamic windows’).
4.2 Descriptive Statistics
The summary statistics of all variables
measured in this chapter is presented in Table 4. The variables that have
significant differences with each other, i.e. between conventional MFIs and
Islamic, are highlighted.
The first striking difference is portfolio at
risk past 30 days for IMFIs that is significantly higher than conventional
MFIs, or 12% versus 6%. In microfinance literature, any portfolio at risk
higher than 10% is considered to be risky while any ratio lower or around 5% is
regarded as healthy or reasonable. The higher portfolio at risk indicates that
IMFIs have more borrowers who delay their loans instalments for more than a
month, or in practice constitutes 4-5 weekly payment cycles.
The second notable difference is the positive
return on assets for conventional MFIs and negative for IMFIs. It may suggest
that IMFIs are operating at significantly disadvantage position vis-à-vis
conventional MFIs, however we shall confirm this status with the regressions.
The other noticeable difference is with
average loan balance/size, in both nominal term and ratio to income per capita.
The average loan size per borrower of conventional MFIs is more than USD4200,
or more than four times that of IMFIs at just above USD900, while the average
loan balance per borrower to GNI/Capita is nearly three times that of IMFIs.
The main contributor to this important different is the size of conventional
MFIs in the dataset, which include some of the largest MFIs in the world
including Bank Rakyat Indonesia and Grameen Bank.
Finally number of active borrowers (NAB)
highlights the capacity and ability of conventional MFIs to serve poor
customers, where NAB for conventional is more than double that of IMFIs. The
huge gap may be due to the state of conventional MFIs that started much earlier
than IMFIs, such as Grameen Bank and Bank Rakyat Indonesia who are pioneers in
Bangladesh and Indonesia, respectively. This difference might impair the
capacity of IMFIs to compete financially with much powerful conventional MFIs
in the current situation.
In general, IMFIs are markedly different from
conventional MFIs in key performance areas, mainly portfolio risk,
profitability, outreach, and cost. This descriptive statistics provides an
indication on the area of differences, but this needs to be tested and analysed
further in the regressions.
4.3 Empirical model
This study will use Ordinary Least Squares
(OLS) regression to analyse performance of risk indicators for Islamic
microfinance institutions vis-à-vis its conventional MFIs. The estimation model
follows Abedifar et al. (2013) who employ the same model in their study of risk
in Islamic banking.
Yit = α + β1 IMFIit + β2 Profitabilityit + β3
Outreachit + β4 Costit + Xit + εit
Y is set of dependent variables consisting of
portfolio and default risk indicators, namely; a) Portfolio at risk past dues
more than 30 days (PaR>30days); b) PaR>90days; and c) Write off ratio.
These dependent variables follow the approach of Cull et al. (2007) and Crabb
and Keller (2006) in measuring portfolio quality using Portfolio at Risk past
30 days (PaR>30days), PaR>90days, Loan Loss Rate and Write off ratio.
Loan loss rate, which is similar to write off ratio, is not included in this
Portfolio at risk is defined by MIX Market as
“the value of all loans outstanding that have one or more installments of
principal past due more than [XX] days. This includes the entire unpaid
principal balance, including both the past due and future installments, but not
accrued interest. It also includes loans that have been restructured or
rescheduled.” Hence, Portfolio at Risk that is due more than 30 days, or
PaR>30 days, represents all loans that are due or late in their instalment
by the borrowers for thirty days of more with respect to total gross loan
portfolio. Such delay in repayment or instalment is considered a warning for
MFIs, since MFIs have usually gone through four to five collection cycles.
Therefore any loan portfolio that registers persistent PaR>30 days of more
than 10% from the total loans, or in some cases as low as 5%, should send a
warning to MFIs.
Likewise, PaR>90 days is an indicator
similar to PaR>30 days, but for longer period. As a general rule, any loan
portfolio with PaR>90 days of more than 10 percent has more likelihood of
default than for shorter period PaRs. Therefore, this indicator represents a
more severe situation for IMFIs; the more portfolios that are delayed by more
than ninety days, the more risky the IMFIs are.
Finally, Write off ratio represents all loans
that have been written off by MFIs during a given period. In the words of MIX
Market, “a write-off is an accounting procedure that removes the outstanding
balance of the loan from the Loan Portfolio and from the Impairment Loss
Allowance when these loans are recognized as uncollectable.” Therefore, write
off ratio (WOR) is a percentage of write off from the total gross loan portfolio
at any given period.
Explanatory variables consist of key
indicators that influence and determine the level of risk and its determinants
for IMFIs, namely a) MFI Type, b) Profitability/Yield, c) Outreach, d) Cost
indicators, e) Set of control variables (age, region, profit orientation), and
f) Error term.
The dummy variable MFI Type (MFItype_Islamic)
is the main explanatory variable that measures the relationship between
portfolio and default risk and IMFIs. This variable represents all MFIs in the
dataset that are offering sharia-compliant microcredit products and services,
either as full-fledged IMFIs or as unit/division within conventional MFIs.
The second group of explanatory variables
consist of variables that explain the models. This includes a) Yield, b)
Outreach, c) Portfolio quality, and d) Cost indicators. These indicators are
revenue or real yield to gross loan portfolio (YieldonGLP_real); outreach
variables (only for profitability regression) of log_NAB or number of active
borrowers for scale of outreach and Avg_loan GNIP and percentage of women
borrowers are measuring the depth of outreach.
Yield is the most important contributor to
profitability of MFIs, and it represents interest charges for the clients.
Yield is measured in term of interest and fees received on loan portfolio,
either nominal or the ratio between interest and fees and average gross loan
portfolio, or real, which is nominal yield adjusted to inflation rate. For
IMFIs, yield is in the form of profit margin, fees or other Shari’ah compliant
pricing mechanism. For this research, the yield used in the model is the Real
Yield on Gross Loan Portfolio.
Further, outreach is a proxy to the
measurement of poverty alleviation impact by microfinance intervention.
Outreach can be examined in two aspects, scale or breadth of outreach and depth
of outreach. The former is measured by number of active borrowers served by
IMFIs. The latter measures whether microfinance is really targeting the poorest
segment of the community, through indicators such as Average Loan Balance to
the GNI/Capita and Percentage of Female Borrowers.
Cost indicators consist of variables that
represent cost factors that are used by IMFIs in their operations. These
indicators have been used in relevant literature, especially Kar (2011), namely
Cost per borrower, Deposits and Borrowing. Cost per borrower represents
operational cost in serving each borrower or client, while deposit and
borrowing represent funding mobilization activities that will incur some costs
for the IMFIs, either in term of profit sharing to depositors or investors and
cost of borrowing to the lenders.
The third group of independent variables are
control variables Xit. The control variables are Age, to control effects of age
of the MFIs to the models, next is the differences in legal status of IMFIs,
differences in respective regions where MFIs are located, and finally
differences in profit orientation of the MFIs (nonprofit versus for-profit).
These variables have been used in the existing literature, especially Cull et
al. (2007) and Kar (2011).
Finally, εit is error term, where individual
effect assumption of �it
= 0 is expected to hold. It is included to accommodate any other factors that
may affect the model but unaccounted for.
4. Results
and Discussion
The main hypothesis of this research is that
IMFIs face a higher exposure to portfolio and credit risks of their clients,
due to unique characteristics of Islamic financial products that are more risky
and prevalent uncertainty in the socio-economic and political situation in many
Muslim countries. In essence, portfolio quality of IMFIs is predicted to be
lower than the conventional MFIs. Portfolio quality constitutes the most important
aspect of the performance, sustainability, and survival of IMFIs. The
discussion on regression results will centre on some of the characteristics of
the portfolio quality of IMFIs as measured by two indicators, namely portfolio
at risk past 30 days and portfolio at risk past 90 days. On the other hand,
credit or default risk will be measured by Write off ratio, as this indicator
represents the percentage of loans in the portfolio that have to be written
The variable of PaR>30days measures the
percentage of gross loan portfolio that is overdue more than thirty days, and
the borrowers have not made any payment or instalment of the loans since then.
This variable is a useful proxy to potential default, because when the loans
are due and past thirty days, it means the borrowers have missed at least four
meetings or instalment cycles. PaR>30days indicator is not only an early
warning signal, but also a default warning for small and subsidy dependent
IMFIs. When there are large number of clients who are unable to meet
instalments schedule more than four times (four weeks/30 days), IMFIs will face
significant liquidity problems and inevitable portfolio or credit risk.
Likewise, Par>90days also provides similar
information and signal for IMFIs, and this variable measures percentage of late
payments/instalments for longer period than the former. In some cases, late
instalment by one month may be considered very conservative and inflexible to
clients, especially if their micro-businesses are having slightly longer
business cycles, i.e. more than one month. Hence, PaR>90days can be used as
an extended proxy to potential default with the gross loan portfolio. Finally,
when all precautionary measures have been put in place, there is an ultimate
indicator that amount for problems in the portfolio that is Write-offs Ratio.
This ratio sums up all the defaults and bad loans in the portfolio, which need
to be cleaned and written off from the financial books of MFIs.
The following discussions deal with the
magnitude and impact of portfolio risk to IMFIs in details. The discussion will
be divided into three parts, namely the magnitude of portfolio quality and
default risk faced by IMFIs, the determinants of these portfolio and default
risks, and the impact of portfolio and default risks on the sustainability and
poverty outreach of IMFIs.
5.1 How risky are Islamic microfinance
The main regression results in Table 5
suggest that portfolio quality of IMFIs is significantly negative, for all
indicators. Portfolio at Risk past 30 days of the IMFIs is lower by 2.2 percent
compared to conventional MFIs, while PaR past 90 days is lower by 2.9 percent.
Likewise, Write off ratio is significantly negative and lower by 1 percent than
other MFIs. The results indicate that despite difficult socio-economic
condition in many countries where IMFIs located, they are unaffected as shown
by the lower portfolio at risk and write off ratio. However, the result is
different with the hypothesis on portfolio quality of IMFIs, which was assumed
to be much poorer. The result suggests that IMFIs are less risky than
conventional MFIs.
It could be suggested that IMFIs are
relatively safe from default, as indicated by lower percentage of Portfolio at
Risk (PaR) and Write off ratio (WOR). The negative signs signify that IMFIs
have managed their loan portfolio at a healthy level, and reflect the lower
riskiness of their borrowers. The results are also different from summary
statistics table, where mean values of portfolio at risk for IMFIs are higher
than the conventional MFIs. The summary statistics table measures central
tendency of all variables, including PaR > 30 days, while panel data
regression measures PaR>30 days in relation to all relevant variables such
yield, number of active borrowers, deposit, and more.
Further, the percentage of loans due more
than thirty days (PaR>30days) is significantly lower by more than 2 percent,
and so does the portfolio with more than three months delay of
repayment/instalment (PaR>90days). This consistently low portfolio at risk,
as well as lower write off ratio, implies that the borrowers are neither
delaying payments to IMFIs nor avoiding them altogether. The assumption that
IMFIs face a higher exposure to portfolio and credit risks of their clients is
not evident in this regression, despite unique characteristics of Islamic
financial products that are more risky and uncertain in socio-economic and
political situation.
Intuitively, these results suggest that
clients of IMFIs have no difficulty to repay their loans in either the short
period of one month or in the relatively longer period of three months. Hence,
it could be argued that IMFIs are less risky than conventional MFIs. These
regression results provide evidence to suggest that IMFIs are less risky or facing
less risky clients than conventional MFIs. The following discussions deal with
the determinants and impacts of risk factors to IMFIs in details.
5.2 Determinants of Portfolio and Default
For the first model, the results show that
IMFIs have a significantly lower short-term portfolio at risk, as indicated by
negative coefficient of 2.2 percent. The results imply that portfolio quality
of IMFIs is relatively higher than conventional MFIs, possibly resulted from
more rigorous portfolio management of the IMFIs or repayment characteristics of
their borrowers (El-Komi and Croson, 2013). As mentioned in the earlier
section, this lower portfolio at risk is achieved despite unfavourable
condition facing IMFIs.
From the regressions, the relationship between
profitability and portfolio risk is significantly negative, and as the return
on assets increases by 1 percent, the percentage of portfolio at risk will
decline by 29.3 percent. The result is consistent with theory and hypothesis,
which says that since the profitability of IMFIs negative then portfolio at
risk would be higher or positive. Yield on loan portfolio is also significantly
negative to the first model of portfolio at risk, which is consistent and
similar with the relationship between ROA and PaR>30days.
Further, the result shows that percentage of
female borrowers is negatively related to portfolio at risk and write off
ratio, which denotes that a decrease in one percentage of female borrowers at
IMFIs will increase percentage of portfolio at risk by 4.9 percent, and even
default. This result emphasizes an important point on the approach of IMFIs
that target ‘family’ rather than commonly targeted women borrowers. The
negative relationship implies that if IMFIs were to minimize portfolio risk, they
should increase participation of women borrowers in their portfolio. In
microfinance literature, the repayment rate and compliance of women borrowers
are significantly higher than men, hence it makes sense why women borrowers are
less risky in microfinancing (D’Espallier et al., 2011). While the approach of
targeting family as a unit has its merit, targeting women borrowers will in the
end also assist the family, and perhaps more so because when women participated
more actively in economic activities, income and welfare of the family would
Number of active borrowers or outreach is
also an important determinant for portfolio quality of IMFIs. The result
suggests that an increase in one percent of the number of active borrowers will
adversely affect portfolio at risk by 1.8 percent. This negative relationship
implies that larger number of clients increase riskiness of IMFIs. This result
also suggests that additional clients increase risk profile and potentially
portfolio risk of IMFIs. Implicitly, IMFIs should impose rigorous clients’
selection process, because by design an increase in number of clients will
entail more exposure to portfolio and other type of risks brought by larger and
more diverse borrowers.
Similar to PaR>30days, the second model PaR>90days
embodies portfolio risk of MFIs for loans that are due and have not been paid
by the borrowers. This indicator measures the percentage of loans that could
pose potential risk to MFIs, as denoted by the percentage of loans that are due
for more than ninety days or three months. This indicator represents a higher
risk for MFIs as the delays in payment are more than twelve payment/collection
cycles, assuming MFIs are having four weekly group meetings for collection,
disbursement, or payment each month. As the IMFIs dummy variable is
significantly negative in this second estimate, it means that the percentage of
loans that are due more than three months are lower for IMFIs.
Likewise, percentage of female borrowers also
adversely affect the portfolio at risk past due 90 days by 2.3 percent, as it
does to portfolio at risk past 30 days. This negative relationship highlights
the importance of female borrowers to portfolio quality of IMFIs. While the
current approach of targeting family as clients has its advantage in terms of
broadening clients’ base, the result merits consideration.
In addition, age of IMFIs is an important
determinant. As the institutions begin their journey in microfinance, IMFIs are
expected to be more cautious and vigilant in their client selection process.
The result suggests that older IMFIs has significantly positive relationship
with PaR > 30days by 2.6 percent, but negative by 3.1 percent with PaR>90
days. It means that older IMFIs have higher percentage of portfolio at risk in
the short term (over one month) but lower portfolio at risk over a longer-term
period (over three months). The borrowers of IMFIs are only delaying their
repayment or instalments, and eventually settle their loans. This finding
challenges the results of studies on the business cycle of microfinance, for
instance Wagner (2012) and Hollis and Sweetman (2001) that indicate more mature
MFIs suffer higher risks than the younger ones.
5.3 Determinants of Default
Performance of IMFIs is also determined by
percentage of losses recorded in their book, or write off ratio. The final
model summarizes the results of these bad loans and indicates whether write off
ratio is detrimental to IMFIs or not. The result shows that write off ratio of
IMFIs does not pose any concern, as it is significantly negative. Hence, there
is a strong evidence to suggest that write off ratio for IMFIs is lower by 1
percent than their conventional counterparts.
A significantly lower write off ratio can be
explained by number of active borrowers, percentage of female borrowers, cost
per borrower, borrowings and deposits. The first two indicators represent
outreach; both scale and depth of outreach, and the rest of the significant
variables represent cost factors. The scale of outreach indicator shows that an
increase in one percent of Number of Active Borrowers will increase Write off
ratio by 0.5 percent, while an increase in Percentage of Female Borrowers will
reduce Write off ratio by 0.9 percent. This different effect of scale and depth
of outreach to default risk indicates that depth of outreach is more
significant to IMFIs. Percentage of female borrowers is indeed an important
factor for portfolio quality of IMFIs, as previously been discussed in
PaR>30days and PaR>90days models.
This result confirms that higher
participation of women borrowers reduces exposure to risks and default of IMFIs
(D’Espallier et al., 2011). Although most of IMFIs do not specifically target
women borrowers, this finding suggests that conventional practice of serving only
women borrowers has sound empirical support. Probably it is about time for
IMFIs to consider their approach in selecting clients.
5.4 The Effect of Outreach and Profitability
on Risk Profile of IMFIs
Overall, the main effect of lower poverty
outreach or profitability on portfolio at risk and write off ratio is mixed. As
predicted, outreach indicators are mainly negative to the portfolio at risk and
write off ratio, suggesting that increase in number of borrowers, including
higher percentage of female borrowers, will reduce portfolio at risk, but not
write off ratio. It seems that higher scale of outreach will increase write off
ratio. This latter result implies that a large number of borrowers in IMFIs loan
portfolio are high risk or involved in high-risk ventures, which in hindsight
is consistent with the hypothesis that non-profit MFIs will take more risk than
profit-oriented ones. Since most of IMFIs are non-profits, this result is
consistent and reasonable.
Further, the percentage of female borrowers seems
to be an important factor for overall portfolio quality of IMFIs. This proxy to
depth of outreach is significantly negative for both portfolio risk indicators
and write off ratio. This result confirms that higher participation of women
borrowers reduces exposure to risks and default of IMFIs by 0.9 percent.
Although most of IMFIs do not specifically target women borrowers, this finding
suggests that conventional practice of serving only women borrowers has sound
empirical support. Based on this result, IMFIs could consider their approach
related to clients’ selection that involves family unit and not just women.
However, for profitability indicator, the
relationship with portfolio at risk and write off ratio is only significant for
one model, i.e. portfolio at risk past 30 days. Despite insignificant result,
return on assets indicator has a negative relationship with all risk
indicators. This negative relationship implies that higher profitability will
reduce portfolio and default risk, which is consistent with the hypothesis.
Finally, although the R-squared of the
estimation results are very low, unlike previous studies by Cull et al. (2007)
or Crabb and Keller (2006), the overall regression results in Table 5 provides
some clues on the portfolio quality of IMFIs and its determinants.
Profitability, outreach, and cost are certainly the main contributor to
portfolio quality and credit risk of IMFIs
5. Conclusion
This paper aims to shed some lights on the
performance of IMFIs and their encounter with portfolio and credit risks. The
paper also examines the response of IMFIs when exposed to different types of
risks vis-àvis their primary objectives of poverty alleviation and
sustainability. The overall results suggest that IMFIs are facing different but
less severe risks than their conventional competition due to the funding mechanism
and the nature of Islamic financial contracts.
While the majority of IMFIs clients are from
the poorest segment in the society, often with lower educational level, and
live in countries considered to be high risk or have histories of instability,
the risk profile of IMFIs remain moderate and manageable. In fact, Islamic
microfinance sector survives and thrives in many countries with history of
prolong conflict and natural disasters. In some instances, the IMFIs are
relatively able to contribute to poverty alleviation in these countries and
sustain their operations. The main contributing factors to the resilience of
IMFIs are their unique funding mechanism and lack of leverage.
As for the results, this paper finds that
IMFIs are less vulnerable and face lower percentage of payment delays and
default. Likewise, determinants or factors contributing to portfolio and credit
risk at IMFIs are profitability or return on assets, percentage of women borrowers,
and cost of funds. These indicators are important for the survival of IMFIs in
the long run, as they will face tougher competition and intense
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