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Showing posts from April, 2019

How Islamic Finance/ Microfinance Can Reduce Poverty

How Islamic Finance/ Microfinance Can Reduce Poverty The official law of Islam is called Sharia. It is based mostly on the Quran, but on other holy Islamic texts as well. Sharia covers a wide range of topics, from religious rituals to courtroom proceedings to food preparation. Among other things, Sharia law prohibits some very common financial practices, including excessive uncertainty and the charging of interest. These rules can make it very difficult for conventional  banks to operate  in regions that strictly follow Sharia law. Islamic Finance/Microfinance Principles Bankers in Islamic countries have developed a series of practices in order to adjust modern banking with Islamic law. These principles and practices were developed in the 1960s and 1970s and have collectively come to be known as Islamic finance. Though the practices can be different, some of the most important postulates are: Profit-sharing . The bank and the borrower each own shares of an...

Islamic Agriculture Finance for Rural Economy

Islamic Agricultural Finance is an Ideal  Product for the Development of Rural  Economy  The agriculture sector lacks financial resources, due to which small-scale farmers are facing a lot of problems, consequently affecting the agriculture and livestock sector. But in Muslim countries including Pakistan, the primary the reason behind the lack of financial inclusion in the agricultural sector is unavailability of such financial products that are in correlation with the religious and social belief of the Muslims and if we want to promote agriculture and livestock then we have to introduce such financial products which are in accordance with their religious beliefs, therefore, the use of Islamic Agriculture Finance is necessary for the development of the rural economy especially in Muslim majority countries. These thoughts were expressed by Mr. Muhammad Zubair Mughal, the Chief Executive Officer of Al Huda Center of Islamic Banking and Economics in a seminar in ...

Mengungkap Kesadaran Islami Atas Riba

Mengungkap Kesadaran Islami atas Riba (Pada Proses Pembelajaran Akuntansi ) Oleh: Virginia Nur Rahmanti.  Editor: Ustaz Sofyan Kaoy Umar, MA, CPIF Abstract This research aimed to know awareness of teachers (lecturers) specifically on the subject of Financial Accounting including recognition, measurement, and reporting of “interest”. Muslims believe that interest is forbidden as riba. Indeed, the practice of interest is not limited as Islamic issue, but it is viewed as a universal issue based on the housing bubble price cycle that may affect all sectors. By employing postphenomenology as well as the thought of Don Ihde, this research involving five diversified informants. The results showed that the subjects of Financial Accounting lecturer (Muslim) still stuck on "technology" (term of Ihde) in the form of international curriculum standards, reference books, and subject (course) planning. PENDAHULUAN Muslim telah meyakini bahwa riba adalah haram. Seb...

Keuangan Publik Islam

KEUANGAN PUBLIK ISLAM Oleh: Nafis Irkhami Editor: Ustaz Sofyan Kaoy Umar, MA, CPIF Pendahuluan Perluasan wilayah Islam masa awal ke barat sampai Afrika dan Spanyol, serta ke timur hingga Asia Tengah dan Cina meniscayakan adanya administrasi pemerintahan yang memadahi, termasuk kebijakan keuangan publik. Imperium baru yang memiliki wilayah seluas itu dituntut untuk memiliki dan membangun sistem pengelolaan keuangan negara yang kokoh dan operasional. Dalam hal ini, rekaman historis menunjukkan bahwa para penggagas dan perancang keuangan serta perencana garis-garis kebijakan fiskal masa itu telah membahas berbagai persoalan keuangan publik. Lingkup pembahasan kajian tersebut adalah mengenai pengelolaan pendapatan dan pengeluaran negara. Pembahasan mengenai pendapatan negara meliputi tentang pengumpulan pendapatan, struktur perpajakan serta pendistribusian pajak. Sedangkan mengenai pengeluaran negara mencakup persoalan pembelanjaan negara untuk kesejahteraan masyarak...