How Islamic Finance/ Microfinance Can Reduce Poverty The official law of Islam is called Sharia. It is based mostly on the Quran, but on other holy Islamic texts as well. Sharia covers a wide range of topics, from religious rituals to courtroom proceedings to food preparation. Among other things, Sharia law prohibits some very common financial practices, including excessive uncertainty and the charging of interest. These rules can make it very difficult for conventional banks to operate in regions that strictly follow Sharia law. Islamic Finance/Microfinance Principles Bankers in Islamic countries have developed a series of practices in order to adjust modern banking with Islamic law. These principles and practices were developed in the 1960s and 1970s and have collectively come to be known as Islamic finance. Though the practices can be different, some of the most important postulates are: Profit-sharing . The bank and the borrower each own shares of an...
Provide Scientific information All Over the World Regarding Islamic Economics, Business, and Finance (Muamalah Aspects) Based on the Islamic Economic Scholars, Ulama and Experts Interpretation on the Scriptures (Al-Quran & Hadist) and Ijtihad/Fatwa and Consensus Ulama. Inside also present Research Studies, Article, and Working Paper. The Blog is Only for the need of Spreading Information, Study and Knowledge about Muamalah Aspecs.